OK I've had a look at the Unreal level and shifted some stuff about and I think there's a few key things we're missing. The parts where you drive around and get to the variety set pieces like Cactaur and the market hall are really nice, but we need more buildings to bulk it out.
I think we need:
- More generic apartment buildings. We already have the shapes, I think we could just tweak texture pages and add different shops at the bottom and be OK
- A couple of ground level shops like the ones at the corner by the roundabout
- We need to make lots of foliage fairly soon to put down the sides of some of the buildings. Some of the single story apartments can also have gardens to set them back further from the road and add variety.
I think we should also force players to drive through the market hall rather than giving them the option of going straight on to the roundabout. It means we have to make less and makes the route a bit more interesting. We could block the road with the work in progress signs and put a couple of big sand piles down there.
So I'm thinking in the week ahead if we get some more building varieties done. I have the green and orange weird building half done, I know Caz has started a blue and white building from the seafront, and I've made a hotel with shops that isn't in the engine yet. If we all produce a couple of new buildings each, we probably won't need anything else.