Monday, 30 March 2009

Final ScreenShots

Monday, 9 March 2009

Update again

This is the result of concentrating on a smaller area within the level. not finished yet though! still nees more griming up, uneven-ness and more filling out!

Monday, 23 February 2009

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Why! Tinternet! Why!

After a morning of spluttering over my computer. I have realised that the programme I wanted to use was not really liked by our Internet at home and so this is what this blog is in aid of.

I apologise for the bad screen shots but it is better than none.

This weekend I completed the Market Texture : Saturday

I textured the Telegraph Pole: Sunday

Finished Building and textured the wooden Taxi Hut: Sunday

Redid the unwrap of the Bench and half textured it: Monday

(cant find an image of the end of the wood)

Built the Roundabout for the mermaid statue. Renaming it as Mermaid_Roundabout: Monday

(That only really took a little time, but boredom set in)

I also made a cruciform of the olive Tree for Cactaur: Monday

(Need your opinions on it)

Today I have a large supply of water and a nice cup of tea provided by Slaney. So that I can build and texture the Taxi_Box_Post. And if I can find the correct reference I will finish the texture for the Bench.

Monday, 9 February 2009

Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuys if u paid attention to our asset list you would know ive made 3 diff road blocks to put into place lol :P 

 Before unreal undid my asset placement i did put road blocks and arrow signs in places to direct the player the way we want them to go, so dont fear,. it has been done,. it was just undone but can easily be redone!! ah ha!

Unreal Continued....

Yes you are right, it will be fine to just have varying textures for the buildings, colours and so on. Gardens are a great idea, but we will have to think about how we can distribute the work between us, or wether or not we do a whole garden each?

Also adding another type of road block or making the road look as though it becomes pedestrianised, would be a simple way of directing the traffic round to the market. Also it would make a nice spot to put a few parked mopeds.

Something I have been thinking about this weekend. Are either of you considering litter in the level? , as this is something that we have not yet touched on.

From a point of realism you will always have a small amount of litter or rubble about the place, especially down the backroads or at the side of some shops.
Also here are some screens of the shop fronts for the Market:

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Unreal feedback

OK I've had a look at the Unreal level and shifted some stuff about and I think there's a few key things we're missing. The parts where you drive around and get to the variety set pieces like Cactaur and the market hall are really nice, but we need more buildings to bulk it out.
I think we need:
- More generic apartment buildings. We already have the shapes, I think we could just tweak texture pages and add different shops at the bottom and be OK
- A couple of ground level shops like the ones at the corner by the roundabout
- We need to make lots of foliage fairly soon to put down the sides of some of the buildings. Some of the single story apartments can also have gardens to set them back further from the road and add variety.

I think we should also force players to drive through the market hall rather than giving them the option of going straight on to the roundabout. It means we have to make less and makes the route a bit more interesting. We could block the road with the work in progress signs and put a couple of big sand piles down there.

So I'm thinking in the week ahead if we get some more building varieties done. I have the green and orange weird building half done, I know Caz has started a blue and white building from the seafront, and I've made a hotel with shops that isn't in the engine yet. If we all produce a couple of new buildings each, we probably won't need anything else.

Friday, 6 February 2009


I finished the moped for the street furniture, and have made four different model variations and four different textures. Each moped is under 500 tris.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Should the road in the market hall be wider???? or so i scale the blkockout down to that size? would be a bit of a sharp turn race track wise?

what do u guys think????

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Some Street Furniture

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

What I'm contributing

This was to get a feel of how shop fronts look. The wall colours are all mostly all pale. Occasionally you can get very vibrant coloured buildings in amongst the rest. These colours can be very vibrant, like bright pink and lime green.
This built as a kit. The pieces will come together to make an covered drive through market place with fruit and veg stalls and baskets layed out.
This will make a good quick change of scenery to break up the level.

This is a model of a mountain located in the centre of Marmaris. It has a museum style garden in front of it that has old ruins from Roman times. The Mountain itself is covered in lots of cactus and vines.

The Mermaid statue is actually located next to the sea but we have decided to make it a centre piece to a roundabout in our level.

Monday, 26 January 2009

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Road/map layout thingy

This is the intitial layout for the track which we will be building. We think that its possibly a little square. hmmmmm ill get back to you on that one!

Friday, 23 January 2009


Some work......Just need to do windows above the shops now, but its mostly finished and ready for unreal.


Here is our schedule, the top table shows a daily plan we should aim for, each day consisting of at least 8 hours of work. We should steam ahead quite nicely with this.

The bottom one is our weekly plan and milestone table. I will be dividing up the assets between us, louise having a few less as she will be doing most of the unreal work and me and Martin taking the rest.

Once we have finished something or a small group of models, we will be putting it straight into unreal as we go to save time at the end. The last thing we do will be the lighting.

We have initially given ourselevs some time off at weekends, due to the fact that we will be visiting family, or Louise will go to Tim's every so often and I work every weekend. But this doesnt mean we can stop working! Just means that what we do is a bonus and we can make this even more kickass than we first intended!!!!!

Anyways now we have some milestones and things to aim for.


Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Work Work Work!!

OK so we allocated everyone some blocks of buildings to do on Monday. Were all getting on with them. Our aim is to have them at leats modelled by the end of the week so we have most of the buildings made for our level.

I was given one street to do, and then some other odd corner buildings which will go along the sea front. I havent built those ones yet but Tuesday was spent modelling all 8 buildings along the terraced street. and ive textured most of them now. Some only roughly and tweaks have to be done such as dulling down some colours and making the alphas work but hey still good progress for two days worth of work!

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Concept Art

View across the bay from the sea front


Here's a screenshot of my test model, it's very rough and was just an experiment to try putting textures on. It was modelled and textured in about 45 minutes