Team CatBarrel go to Turkey. Where there are Turkey Tanks, Cat Barrels (in which the cats dont get covered in curry) and Gironkee's.....
This is a model of a mountain located in the centre of Marmaris. It has a museum style garden in front of it that has old ruins from Roman times. The Mountain itself is covered in lots of cactus and vines.
Friday, 9th January 2008
Angst in the Villa: Gone Fishin’
“Whip his legs!” are the first words Martin hears in the morning, when he is woken up to a swordfight, courtesy of Slaney. The fight spills out into the corridor, where everyone gets involved other than Joel, who is in theshower and misses the entire thing. Somehow in the melee, Caz ends up pretending to be asleep in the middle of the floor in all of Martin’s stolen bedding, while Martin tries to attack her with a huge float. Joel is designated the Jack of Clubs 22
Eventually we settle down and eat breakfast (toasties for most people). As it’s our day off, we then head off to the boat. We set sail in the hopes of finding a Catbarrel! We are treated to a pole dance by an old Turkish man. We sail along the coast, past Marmaris and Icmeler, and spend lots of time chilling out in the sun and feeling very smug. We take lots of building reference photos, as being out to sea we have a very good view. We spot a building that looks like
The boat stops at Turunc, where the Turkish couple running the boat ask us if we want to do some fishing. We join in, Louise catches 3 fish, Martin catches one fish, and Caz catches a huge fish! They are all popped into a bucket full of seawater. Martin goes swimming in the sea, but we all fail to hook him. Slaney has the lead weight from his fishing line stolen by a fish. We all stop for lunch, and hear the call to prayer echoing off the mountains. Lunch is very nice.
The boat heads off again and we stop to have a look at a cave with lots of cool graffiti everywhere. We stop again at a bay and Caz, Martin and Louise go for a swim. They try to convince the Joels to come swimming, but it doesn’t happen. Martin does a jump off the top of the boat into the sea.
We set off again for Marmaris, and while sailing think about how in a week’s time we will be giving our presentations and thinking about how nice it was being on the boat thinking about giving presentations and then we get a bit confused and have to stop.
We pull into Marmaris, and have a last look at all our fishies. They are unfortunately all dead.
We head back to the apartment to begin some work. We stop off and get some bread on the way, Martin gives the box he hit his head on a wide berth.
Caz, Martin and Louise begin some work. We talk about how we are going to build the buildings and Caz and Louise make some. Both textured by the end of the night. Martin sits and does some drawings working out how to build some of the street furniture.
Whilst this is happening, Slaney makes some lovely toasties for us all and we eat some ruffles. On more than one occasion to Martin and Caz burst out laughing, which inevitably makes Louise laugh and the two Joels look dazed and confused.
Weve just finished eating. Now were going to the pub.
Thursday, 8th January
Angst in the Villa: Martin’s Bad Day
The day begins with Slaney being yet again allocated the Jack of Clubs, to the great amusement of everyone else. His bad luck seems to rub off on Martin, who, in trying to duck out of the way of an oncoming pole, headbutts the corner of a box instead. The sound of the impact resonates for several seconds and sounds a lot like the frying pan sound from Little Big Planet.
We head to the seafront and book a boat trip for the next day. Woo!
We then go to the market and take lots of photos of shop fronts, and Caz buys some new trainers. We head back to the apartment for a quick early lunch, and then hit the beach. Team Catbarrel do some concept art, and sketches of the apartment blocks they plan to build. Caz and Louise buy ice creams, everyone else is jealous. Martin’s bad day continues when he cannot concentrate on his drawing.
We draw a Powell face in the sand, and then stamp on it. Martin starts a fight he can’t finish when he throws sand at Louise. She gets him back by throwing water on him once he’s forgotten about her angrily chasing him around for 5 minutes.
Louise drops her watercolours all over the pavement when trying to get something out of her bag, and is mocked endlessly by Martin.
We go out to a traditional Turkish cafĂ© for dinner, with very tasty, cheap food. We learnt the Turkish word for news, but we can’t remember it now. We had apple tea. Joel thinks it’s important.
Slaney manages to knee a metal bollard on the way home and breaks it (the bollard, not his knee).
Martin falls down a drain.
We hit the supermarket and buy lots and lots of chocolate. Caz manages to slap herself in the face with a wheel of cheese, no one is quite sure how. Martin finds some amazing white pointy drug baron shoes, which we all agreed would give him license to kill indiscriminately, as it’s considered part of the business. Slaney and the shop assistants flirt with each other. We can’t take him anywhere.
Back in the apartment, we blog and play cheat. Martin heads to bed early due to his head injury. Caz’s computer mouse loses the will to live, so we venture out to get a new one at
We come back, the mouse works and Caz nearly chokes laughing at Joel missing his mouth trying to eat cola bottles.
We investigate how to break the space/time continuum, but decide to do that some other day.
Wednesday,7th January:
Angst in the Villa: The Salty Sock
We begin our day early once again. Caz, Martin, Louise and Slaney are all awake but Pickle remains in bed. We decide to beat him with some foam floats to get him out of bed. He isn’t impressed.
We went back to the park to take some photos, through a market bit and took loads of photos of the main road on our track and noted down how many shops there are on the road etc and looked at street furniture. After this the beach looked more appetising than work we sat there in the 20 Degrees sunshine.
Seen as we left the snow for the brilliant sunshine (its sunny now anyways) we felt the need to ring some of you back in the
A large helicopter flew over the beach, and Caz and Martin had a slapsies fight.
We then we for lunch, and got a little ripped off! We shant be going back there again. We then went back to the apartment as some of us felt like we needed a nap. Martin and Slaney were too energetic for this and went to climb a mountain! They disappointed us by only going round the block not up the mountain. (well it is a military base they couldn’t get over it)
On their travels, Martin wanted a lovely artistic postcard style shot of him and the mountains and as Slaney went to take it, paying more attention to the camera than his surroundings., He hears a bark, scampering feet and a ginger blob out the corner of his eye. He turns round a sees a dog charging at him, he instantaneously lost his cool as the small dog ran up to him.
Martin prefers saying that Slaney went pale very quickly and has never seen him move so far so fast….
Once the boys returned and the rest of us were woken up, we trekked down to a beach. It was about an hours walk but once we got there it was spectacular, Sitting on rock faces watching the sunset. However on the way, we decided to follow a dog (Martins fault, he thought the dog would lead us to some treasure). It actually took us to a Landfill site. Life isn’t quite like Fable 2.
We got the bus back, it was white with a pink stripe and a slidey door if your interested! Whilst waiting for the bus a little kitty came to play with us.
Once we got back we had dinner and sported out some photographs. We fully decided on the route for our track and what the surroundings will be. How many shop fronts we need apartment buildings we need and built the block out for our level. During this time we sent Joel 1 & 2 out for some alcohol. A long time disappear and we began to get worried about them. They returned about an hour and a half later with some coke and Jim Bean.
Once the block out was finished, we began a game of poker. Caz, Martin and Slaney already knew how to play. The Sunday night before we left for the airport Caz amd Martin taught Louise and Pickle how to play. This gives Pickle an obsession with the game.
So we all sit down, using tiddlywinks as chips and begin the game. Caz manages to knock Pickle and Louise out in one hand, leaving three of them. Eventually it looks like Caz was winning. But the last hand we played was played blind. Slaney only just won this.
During this game, we are al of course drinking the Jim Bean and coke. Slaney and martin appear to be drinking on par with each other. It appears to affect Slaney more and he starts chatting even more crap than normal.
Martin ventures outside to the balcony. Slaney hasn’t realised he is outside and he goes ‘Oh look, Martins outside’ we all know this as were relatively sober. The fact that Martin is outside is rapidly forgotten, only to be rediscovered again later on.
Its quite amusing until we all want to go to bed and he wont stop flapping his gums. We eventually get him to go to bed, but he returns! Mumbling about his water…..
Angst in the Villa: Knowing the area
The day begins with us all leaving at around half 9 to go and look around the local area, with the dual purpose of everyone getting to know where everything is and also looking for ideas for team Catbarrel’s level. We are very wary of the huge storm clouds that we can see heading from inland, but they luckily pass over the mountains and skirt Marmaris itself.
On our way around the seafront, which consists almost entirely of bars and restaurants, we encounter several people trying to convince us to come into their restaurant to eat. The friendliest of these is John, a genuinely nice guy, and we end up visiting there later for lunch.
Whilst we were eating lunch, on our behalf some people Louise knows in Marmaris haggled with a boat man and got the price down for us to have the boat and food to ourselves for a whole day. We got it down to 140 Lira, which is about 60 quid for all of us for an entire day.
We all walked round the Castle, some back roads and side streets up a large hill and took some photographs and saw some nice buildings. After this we travelled along the beach and then found the street that all 3 of us almost instantaneously knew that we wanted to make.
We found some parks and odd bits that we wanted to include as well whilst on our travels.
Next to the apartment there’s a small park, which has a climbing frame, some swings, a slide, a see saw and EXERCISE MACHINES! Outdoor ones they are so cool! WE all had a go on them they are very fun. Martin decided to jump on the climbing frame and preceded to break it. We rapidly left.
We went back to see John for lunch and came back to the apartment because it looked like it was going to rain. We had a team discussion about what we wanted to include in our level and what route the track would take. During a break from the rain Louise and Slaney ventured out to get us all some food for dinner, unfortunately on their travels we had some torrential rain and both came back like drowned rats.
Bless them……
We have invented a drinking game ‘The Jack of Clubs’. You basically go around the room drawing a card for each person until someone gets the Jack of Clubs. That person must then drink.
Then went to bed.
Monday morning,
Day one
Angst on tour: Slaney’s arrival
The trip begins with us waking up at
Slaney arrives at
We then go shopping for vodka, cigarettes and football shirts. Caz smells good!
Then we got on the plane (insert awesome photo here)
Then we got on the actual plane, with Slaney being very eager and excited, this being his first flight. He manages to take 360 photos and two videos while on the plane. In the meantime, Caz is watching Mamma Mia, the in-flight movie, and Martin is claiming that we are travelling to the equator. Caz and Louise correct him on this. Martin maintains that he never meant to say it like that.
Upon landing, we pay to get into
After we have sorted out rooms we hop out for dinner and everyone goes for a Turkish dish…..barring Martin who goes for the steak!
We settle in for a well earned night’s rest after all of this travelling, so after some chatting, knocking on doors and pillow throwing we sleep. Only to be woken up at around 4am to a rather large thunder storm. Well Louise, Caz and Slaney were awake anyway…..